Huddles: purposeful, pop-up peer groups

Huddles are small groups of people, pooling their resources to unlock potential they couldn't unlock by themselves.

With great hosting and scaffolding, a Huddle creates a social 'microclimate' conducive to learning, creating and taking action. And when you learn, create or take action with others, you grow yourself, your connections and what you're capable of.

Huddles come in many shapes and sizes, to suit their theme or purpose. Joining a Huddle gives you the chance to grow to meet a challenge that really matters to you, whether it's something personal, professional, societal or even existential.

What our participants say:

Headshot of Reuben Christian

Reuben Christian

"I’ve gained a lot, it's impacted my life and work. Great friendships. Collaboration tools. Practical ways to push past fear, doubt, anxiety."

Headshot of Bailey Kursar

Bailey Kursar

"The most valuable thing was having a  group of people supporting me. It gave me the confidence to go freelance, which then led me to start my own business."

Headshot of Taz Latif

Taz Latif

"I would urge anyone from any background to join and learn things about themselves that they wouldn’t learn on their own. It has changed my life."

Is it for you?

This way of learning is different from many of the experiences we have in life and work. Here are some questions to tell whether it's for you:


Do you recognise the value of working toward more cooperative social patterns of behaviour?


Do you want to challenge traditional learning formats - and yourself - by joining a peer group?


Is there a professional, personal or societal challenge you want to grow to meet?

Keen to know more?

Find out more about the power of peer groups.

Huddle listings

Women celebrating
Headshot of middle aged woman with brown, short hair looking into the camera

Uncertain Times


Sarah King

How to thrive in life and work when the future path is an unclear, uncomfortable or uncontrollable change or transition?


Hybrid; online Bristol


5 Months

Kick off:

October 25, 2024

How it works

Huddles start with a host who has a theme or purpose they care about. They design their Huddle to reflect that purpose, using our structures and support.

Hosts are trained in our approach, but they are not the teacher or the leader. They are there to guide you and participate with you.

Find out more about hosting huddles

A hand drawn diagram of a Huddle: a small network of interconnecting peers plus a Host

The 3 'P's

Huddles come in many shapes and sizes, to suit their purpose, but the essential elements are always the same:

A hand-drawn black 3D pyramid with a white question mark on it against a tomato coloured background


Every Huddle happens for a reason. The purpose might come in the form of a theme, a goal or a shared inquiry question. Common goals include learning, unlearning, making, behaviour change, mutual support and taking action.

You get:

  • Space to tackle a purpose, project or live challenge that matters to you

  • A social learning environment, ideal for bringing multiple perspectives to knotty questions and challenges

  • The opportunity to add a project or story of real value to your portfolio

A group of hand-drawn figures against a melon coloured background


Huddles are always led by the peers. Your peer group is the heart and soul of the Huddle: a rich pool of perspectives and experience, for everyone to draw on. The more you put in, the more everyone can take out.

You get:

  • Up to a dozen peers who are also working on something that sets them alight. You'll pool ideas, skills, perspectives, momentum

  • Access to the wider combined network of your peer group

  • Access to the wider Huddlecraft community and programme of activities

A thick squiggly black line, with a thin white line winding round it against a grape coloured background


The Pathway is a structure of meet-ups and activities designed to support you to maximise their collective potential. Hosts shape our tried and tested structures to create a Pathway that will meet the purpose of the Huddle.

You get:

  • A carefully crafted Path to meet the needs of the Purpose and Peers

  • Structure and accountability to keep you moving

  • A Host, trained in the Huddlecraft philosophy and approach, there to guide, not to lead. Your Host will participate alongside you

Pathway in detail

We've developed a tried and tested pathway that is designed to maximise the collective potential of the peer group.

It can be adapted to different purposes, contexts and audiences and can play out over different lengths of time.

Typically it looks like this:

A diagram of the Huddle pathway: a path that goes through 3 phases: explore, develop and showcase. It is punctuated by alternating group meet-ups and buddy sessions, plus intensive events: the kick off weekend, power up days and a showcase event.

Pathways usually include:

Four people playing with 'physical imagination', three are making a circle holding hands around another in the middle.

Kick Off Weekend

A Huddle will always start with a Kick Off. Depending on the Huddle this might be a short session or a full weekend.

Kick Off will usually comprise of introductory storytelling, coaching training, skills and networks mapping, contracting, co-designing the journey and connecting as a group.

A group gathers to read something on a table top


Every Huddle will have a rhythm of meetups, often fortnightly, bringing the whole group together. This is the backbone of the experience which keeps momentum levels high.

Meetups are usually designed and facilitated by the peers - usually every group member will host one.

Fan talks Daniel through her progress with her project


In many Huddles, participants are connected with a buddy. This is someone you will check in with regularly alongside meet-ups, to support accountability and creativity.

It will be up to you whether to connect face-to-face or online. Your Host might provide prompts, peer coaching frameworks and session outlines.

Sarah presents to a panel of judges and her peer group at a power up event

Power ups

Power Ups are check points when the whole Huddle comes together to share where they're at or their work in progress, for critique, feedback and creative input. 

Power Ups are designed to boost motivation, and sometimes involve inviting external champions to join the group to add further accountability and more perspectives.

Rebecca chatting as Zahra listens attentively


Very often a Huddle begins with some coaching training, so that you can learn the skills to coach your peers, and be coached by them.

Depending on the nature of your Huddle, your Host may decide to offer some 121 coaching. This is a space that's space just for you, where you don't also have to act as a peer coach in return.

Julian mapping ideas out on paper at a Get Shit Done sunday

Get Shit Dones

These sessions are for 'heads down' time where you'll come together to work on the Purpose, either in collaboration with or alongside your peer group.

Your Host may schedule some of these, or they might invite you to self organise.

Matt presenting on stage at his showcase event - he is wearing a lab coat and pretending to be a scientist

Showcase Event

Every Huddle works toward some kind of public sharing and/or material manifestation of the work and learning that has happened in the Huddle. 

This is hugely valuable for accountability and motivation and makes space for celebration with family, friends, collaborators or whoever you'd like to invite.

A peer group celebrates the end of their Huddle by pretending to run through finish line tape

Finish Line

A Huddle always needs a ritual to close, whether large or small. This is usually co-designed by the group and makes space for reflection, self-assessment, peer endorsement, storytelling, celebration and/or planning the next steps of your journey.

Finish Line might be a short session or a full weekend, depending on the nature of the Huddle.

Featured participants

Since 2017, 300 people have taken part in Huddles across the UK, Germany, Brazil and online. They have each explored a unique learning question. Scroll down to find out more about what some of them have made and created:

Jasper Lyons
Makers Marathon
Learning Question:

How can I build a system and a place to release my music?


Jasper's question was about creating a sustainable process for recording and publishing his music. His project culminated in the launch of his band, Treasurer's first EP.

Learn more →
Emily Stewart
Deepr Learning Marathon
Learning Question:

How can I enable myself and others to operate from a recognition of our interdependency?


Emily Stewart, wrote an essay and recorded a response to the idea of 'working with interdependence'.

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Tamika Abaka-Wood
Unravelling Time
Learning Question:

How do we, as future ancestors leave soft, squishy, irresistable blueprints for world building and unbuilding?


On Unravelling Time, Tamika developed, a long term participatory audio installation aiming to run for 100 years with a different curator each year. It exists as a hotline number, where you press 1 to listen to an ancestor, or 2 to record as an ancestor.

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Julian Thompson
London Learning Marathon
Learning Question:

How can the black community be mobilised to disrupt inequalities in black mental health?


During his Quest, Julian founded Rooted by Design, a social design house that centres the experiences, needs and futures of UK Black communities.

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Kimberly Prado
Bristol Learning Marathon
Learning Question:

How can I best serve in the anti-slavery movement while being a successful mother and also earning a living?


Kim's Learning Question led to the creation of Houria CIC, a Bristol-based anti-slavery organisation, training & hiring female survivors of slavery in a Pan-African catering company.

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Irit Pollak
London Learning Marathon
Learning Question:

How can WADUP reinstate hope and curiosity in the world?


During her Learning Marathon Irit developed the concept for and foundations of WADUP, the first ever youth-led global media company. Their first production is a podcast entirely recorded through WhatsApp voice notes in facilitated story cells of 3-4 young people from around the world who've never met.

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Tom Tyrell
Birmingham Learning Marathon
Learning Question:

How can we make creative identities for ourselves, as artists?


Tom used the process to finalise his own 'Ridlaa' branded clothing and produced a new music video.

Learn more →

“I feel like I’ve set myself on a path that will lead me to eventually better understanding who I am. I’ve changed fundamentally how I approach being me.”

- Jasper Lyons

"Learning to operate in this purely peer-led environment is interesting when you’re used to being managed. You build your awareness of where your skills are - and they’re not always where you think they are. And that’s really powerful."

- Martha Lawton

"If you want to learn something new, and you don’t want to do it alone, then this is the place to be. You are going to meet amazing people."

- Jae Spenser Keyes

"I found all aspects of the process worked in synergy to move me effortlessly along my path of discovery."

- Yewande Okuleye


What does it cost?
How do you make sure Huddles are inclusive?
How can I start a Huddle?
I want to see Huddles happening at my org...

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